Device Groups
All CloudPRNT devices are connected to a Device Group. Your account will have one or more device groups configured.
When viewing the Device Groups page, you will see a table of your groups, showing the group Name, CloudPRNT URL (used to connect CloudPRNT devices), which includes it's path
component, and the number of devices connected to that group.
Adding new Device Groups may not be available, depending on your account type. In this case additional Device Groups can be added to your account on request if needed.
Configuring A Device Group
Click the edit icon for a group to modify its configuration. Options available are:
- Name - Specify the name for this device group - this is used only to help you easily identify your group within the User interface.
- Contact Info - Name - Provide the name of the primary contact for this device group, in case of support issues, or for automated emails. If this is empty, the the name of the main user account will be used instead.
- Contact Info - Email - Provide the email address to contact for this device group, in case of support issues, or for automated emails. If this is empty, the the email address of the main user account will be used instead.
- Options - Auto create queue for new devices - Allow new devices to be automatically paired with this device group when they first connect to the service with this groups CloudPRNT URL.
- Options - Claim Barcode Reader - By default, if a device connected to this device group has an attached barcode reader, then it will be claimed if this option is enabled. Claiming the barcode reader allows the service to receive barcode scans and to notify your application via a webhook notification. You should not claim the barcode reader by default if you also have a local application which requires barcode scanning.
- Copies - Specify the default number of copies to output on printers connected to this Device Group. Note that this is just a default, and applications can override this when sending a print job to the service.
- Auto Buzz - Before Print - Specify a default number of times to sound the devices buzzer before printing a job. Note that this requires an external buzzer unit to be connected to your Star Printer. This is only the default, and apps can override this when sending a print job to the service.
- Auto Buzz - After Print - Specify a default number of times to sound the devices buzzer before printing a job. Note that this requires an external buzzer unit to be connected to your Star Printer. This is only the default, and apps can override this when sending a print job to the service.
Configuring Webhook Notifications
Click on the "bell" icon for a device group to Configure its webhook notifications. Webhooks allow you to configure the service to inform your servers when an event occurs. It is also possible to use third party services such as IFTTT and Zapier to receive these notifications and trigger other actions, such as sending an email when a printer's paper is low.
Webhooks are implemented with an http POST, containing JSON message data, to the URL that you specify. The following event types can be enabled:
- Device Connection Events - lets you know when a new device has been connected to this Device Group
- Status Changes - issue notifications when a devices status is changed, such as the cover being opened, cash drawer opened, paper running low.
- Peripheral Events - issue notifications when an event occurs from a connected peripheral device, such as a barcode scan.
- Print Job Events - issue notifications when a a device in this Device Group begins printing a job, and when the job has completed printing, or if it failed to print.